# Diese Zeilen nicht löschen / Do not remove these lines # # $Revision: 950 $ # $LastChangedDate: 2012-01-10 22:04:54 +0100 (Di, 10. Jan 2012) $ # $Author: hausl78 $ # ######################################################## # General ######################################################## _dateformat = %Y-%d-%m, %H:%M:%S _translator = PaulR file = File files = Files page = Content page pages = Content pages url = Link position = Position name = Name new_name = New name url_adress = Link target url_new_adress = New link target url_adress_description = (for external links within the menu) contents = Contents category = Category help_target = How should the link be opened - in a new window or in the current one? help_target_blank = A new browser window or tab will be opened. help_target_self = No new browser window or tab will be opened. help_url = Here, you may change the link target. help_new_url = Enter the link target adress here. php_error = PHP error messages message_link = The link was created successfully. updateReferences = The following errors occured while executing "updateReferencesInAllContentPages()" error_dir = Error! Directory doesn't exist: chmod_error = File attributes could not be changed yes = Yes no = No pixels = pixels logout_button = Logout help_logout_button = Logout - exit moziloAdmin website_button = Website help_website_button = Click here to preview your website with the latest changes. target = Target: self = self blank = blank toggle_show = [+] toggle_hide = [-] ######################################################## # Login ######################################################## password = Password username = User name incorrect_login = You didn't login correctly. Please try again. warning_false_logins = Erroneous login attempts since last login: loginlocked_mailcontent = moziloAdmin's login is temporarily locked: Wrong login data was entered too often. See the details of last login attempt: loginlocked_mailsubject = moziloAdmin: Login locked loginplease = Login - please enter login data ######################################################## # Initial setup ######################################################## initialsetup = Welcome to moziloAdmin, the administration centre of moziloCMS! Please take time to check the most important settings but note that they can be changed later if required. initialsetup_error = Please change your login data immediately or confirm that you really want to keep the initial login data (not recommended). initialpw = You are still using the installation login data. For security reasons you should change the username and/or password as soon as possible in the moziloAdmin settings panel. error_no_modrewrite = Unfortunately, this Server doesn't support mod_rewrite. You can't use this option. ######################################################## # Main page ######################################################## home_button = Home home_text = System information home_text_welcome = Welcome to moziloAdmin, the administration centre of moziloCMS. From here you can edit your website's content, change it's appearance and modify various settings. Most items in the administration centre contain additional information, shown as tool tips when hovering the mouse over the item. However, these tool tips will only be displayed if JavaScript is enabled in your browser. cmsinfo = CMS information cmssize_text = Total size of the CMS cmsversion_text = Installed moziloCMS version cmsrevision_text = Revision phpversion_text = Available PHP version installpath_text = CMS path on server serverinfo = Server information home_titel_mod_rewrite = mod_rewrite home_text_mod_rewrite = With mod_rewrite, moziloCMS creates URLs like "page.com/Category/Contenpage.html". home_error_mod_rewrite = mod_rewrite is not available. home_messages_mod_rewrite = mod_rewrite is available. home_error_safe_mode = Safe mode is active!
moziloCMS may not work properly. home_text_safemode = Safe mode active home_text_gd = GDlib is available home_error_gd = GDlib is not available.
Some functions will not work, e.g. scaling images on upload. mailtest_mailsubject = moziloAdmin test e-mail mailtest_mailcontent = Congratulations! moziloAdmin is able to send e-mails. home_titel_test_mail = E-mail test home_input_test_mail = Test home_text_test_mail = Enter a valid e-mail adress to send a test e-mail to. home_messages_test_mail = A test e-mail was sent to the specified adress. If it arrived, your server is able to send e-mails! home_messages_no_mail = Your server isn't able to send e-mails. home_error_test_mail = Please enter a valid e-mail adress. ######################################################## # Categories ######################################################## category_button = Categories category_button_change = Apply changes category_button_delete = Delete category_text = Each content page belongs to a category and each category appears in the main menu. category_help = Here, you can create new categories or edit existing ones.

Create a new category by entering its position and name.
If you need to create an external link, enter its target adress.

You may also change or delete categories. category_help_position = Here, you can change the position number of the category - it changes its position within the main menu. category_help_new_position = Enter the position of your new category within the main menu. category_help_name = Here, you can rename the category. category_help_new_name = Enter the new name of the category. category_help_delete = Here, you can delete the category. Please note that ALL content pages and files in the category will be deleted. category_help_edit = Click here to edit the category. category_error_new = Error while creating category. Check the file attributes! category_error_rename = Error while renaming category. Check the file attributes! category_error_delete = Error while deleting category. Check the file attributes! category_ask_delete = Really delete category with all its content pages and files? category_message_new = Category was created successfully. category_message_delete = Category was deleted. category_message_rename = Category was renamed successfully. category_message_defaultcat = The default category was changed to: ######################################################## # Content pages ######################################################## button_cancel = Cancel button_save = Save button_savetemp = Save and work on page_button = Content pages page_button_change = Apply changes page_button_edit = Edit page_button_delete = Delete page_text = Content pages contain the content of your website. Here, you can manage them. Therefore, the content pages of all categories are listed below. page_move = Move to category page_status = State page_copy = copy only page_edit = Edit content page page_edit_next = After saving: page_saveasdraft = draft page_saveashidden = hidden page_saveasnormal = normal page_password = Protected content: Password for this content page page_password_del = Remove password protection page_help_password_del = Activate this option to remove this content page's password protection. page_help_password = Enter the password this content page should be protected with. If you don't need password protection for this content page, just leave it empty. page_help = Here, you can create new content pages or edit existing ones.

Create a new content page by entering its position and name.
If you'd rather like to create an external link, enter its target adress.

You may also delete content pages. page_help_position = Here, you can change the position number of the content page - it changes its position within the menu. page_help_new_position = Enter the position of your new content page within the menu. page_help_name = Here, you can rename the content page. page_help_new_name = Enter the new name of the content page. page_help_delete = Click here to delete this content page. page_help_edit_pages = Click here to edit the content pages of this category. page_help_edit = Click here to change details of this content page. page_help_editieren = Click here to edit this content page. page_help_copy = Activate this option if the content page should be copied instead of moved. page_help_move = Select the category the content page should be copied or moved to. page_page_help_show = Open content page in new window/tab page_link_help_show = Open link in new window/tab page_error_new = Error while creating content page. Check the file attributes! page_error_rename = Error while renaming content page. Check the file attributes! page_error_copy = Error while copying content page. Check the file attributes! page_error_delete = Error while deleting content page. Check the file attributes! page_error_save = Error while saving content page. Check the file attributes! page_ask_delete = Really delete this content page? page_message_new = Content page was created successfully. page_message_delete = Content page was deleted. page_message_rename = Content page was renamed successfully. page_message_copy_move = Content page was copied/moved successfully. page_message_edit = The changes were applied. page_message_new_password = The password was saved. page_message_del_password = The password was deleted. page_message_change_password = The password was changed. ######################################################## # Edit view and toolbar ######################################################## toolbar_usersyntax = User-defined syntax elements: toolbar_contents = Contents: toolbar_desc_absatz = link to paragraph toolbar_desc_bild = image toolbar_desc_bildlinks = left-aligned image toolbar_desc_bildrechts = right-aligned image toolbar_desc_block = justified text toolbar_desc_datei = file link toolbar_desc_durch = crossed text toolbar_desc_farbe = colored text toolbar_desc_fett = bold text toolbar_desc_html = HTML code toolbar_desc_include = include other content page toolbar_desc_kategorie = category link toolbar_desc_kursiv = italic text toolbar_desc_linie = horizontal line toolbar_desc_link = external link toolbar_desc_links = left-aligned text toolbar_desc_liste = list item toolbar_desc_mail = e-mail link toolbar_desc_numliste = numbered list item toolbar_desc_rechts = right-aligned text toolbar_desc_seite = content page link toolbar_desc_tabelle = table toolbar_desc_ueber1 = big headline toolbar_desc_ueber2 = normal headline toolbar_desc_ueber3 = small headline toolbar_desc_unter = underlined text toolbar_desc_zentriert = centered text toolbar_nojs_text = Since your browser doesn't support JavaScript, you can't insert syntax tags by click. To format text, you have to type the tags manually. You'll see the exact notation of each tag by hovering the mouse over its icon. toolbar_syntaxelements = Syntax elements: toolbar_textcoloring = Text coloration: toolbar_textformatting = Text formatting: toolbar_plugins = Plugins: toolbar_platzhalter = CMS variables: toolbar_platzhalter_CATEGORY = Current category: Directory name toolbar_platzhalter_CATEGORY_NAME = Current category: Name toolbar_platzhalter_PAGE = Current content page: File name without extension toolbar_platzhalter_PAGE_NAME = Current content page: Name toolbar_platzhalter_PAGE_FILE = Current content page: File name toolbar_platzhalter_SEARCH = Search form toolbar_platzhalter_SITEMAPLINK = Sitemap link toolbar_platzhalter_CMSINFO = CMS information toolbar_platzhalter_TABLEOFCONTENTS = Current content page's table of contents ######################################################## # Files ######################################################## files_button = Files files_button_delete = Delete file files_button_overwrite = Overwrite existing files files_button_upload = Upload files files_button_cut = Remove files_size = Size files_uploaddate = Uploaded at files_downloads = Downloads files_text = Use this page to upload files for use on your site (for example images) or to make files available for download (for example PDF or ZIP files). files_text_upload = Which file from your local system should be uploaded? files_text_no_files = No files available files_help = Here, you can manage uploaded files and upload new ones. files_help_edit = Click here to change details of this category's files. files_help_delete = Click here to delete this file. files_help_upload = Select the file you want to upload from your local system. files_help_downloads = Here you can see how often each file has been downloaded. files_help_overwrite = Should existing files in the current category be overwritten? files_help_show = Click here to download this file. files_error_delete = Error while deleting file. Check the file attributes! files_error_upload = Error while storing file. Check the file attributes! files_error_wrongext = For security reasons, files with this extension cannot be uploaded. files_error_exists = A file with this name already exists in the chosen category. files_error_name = The file name contains forbidden characters. files_error_dateien = The file directory of this category doesn't exist and will be created. files_error_mkdir_dateien = Error while creating file directory for this category. Check the file attributes! files_error_no_image = Not an image! files_ask_delete = Really delete file? files_message_new = The files were uploaded successfully. files_message_deleted = The file was deleted. ######################################################## # Galleries ######################################################## gallery_button = Galleries gallery_text = Manage your images and their additional description texts in galleries. gallery_help = Here, you can create and manage image galleries.

Create a new gallery by entering its name. gallery_button_change = Apply changes gallery_button_img_delete = Delete image gallery_button_gallery_delete = Delete gallery gallery_button_cut = Remove gallery_new = Create new gallery: Name gallery_scale = Scale uploaded gallery images gallery_scale_thumbs = Create thumbnails with this size # gallery_picsperrow = Thumbnails per row # gallery_usethumbs = Use thumbnails # gallery_target = Should the gallery be opened in a new browser window/tab or in the current one? gallery_create_thumbs = Create thumbnails gallery_scaleimages = Scale images of this gallery to configured maximum size gallery_rebuildthumbs = Re-create all thumbnails of this gallery gallery_size = Size gallery_subtitle = Description gallery_newname = New name gallery_newimage = Upload new images gallery_no_preview = Preview not available gallery_help_scale = moziloCMS can scale uploaded images (jpg, gif, png) to a specified size. For this function, enter the maximum width and height. gallery_help_scale_thumbs = Change the maximum width and height you want the thumbnails to be resized to. gallery_help_input_scale = Change the maximum width and height you want the gallery images to be resized to.
If you don't want your images to be resized, just leave the values empty. gallery_help_picsperrow = How many images should be shown in one row of the gallery? gallery_help_input_picsperrow = Enter the number of gallery images shown per row. gallery_help_use_thumbs = moziloCMS may create thumbnails of uploaded gallery images. gallery_help_all_picture_scale = Activate this option to re-scale all images of this gallery. gallery_help_all_thumbs_new = Activate this option to re-create all thumbnails of this gallery. gallery_help_size = This is the image's size. gallery_help_picture = Click here to watch this images in original size. gallery_help_subtitle = This is the description of the image shown in the gallery. You may leave it empty. gallery_help_name = This is the image's file name. gallery_help_del = Click here to delete this image. gallery_help_target = How should the gallery be opened - in a new window or in the current one? gallery_help_edit = Here, you can edit the gallery's images and settings. gallery_help_conf = Here, you can edit the gallery's settings. gallery_help_newname = If you want to rename this gallery, enter its new name here. gallery_help_overwrite = Should images already existing in the current gallery be overwritten? gallery_error_digit = The value must be a number between 1 and 9999. gallery_error_new = Error while creating gallery. Check the file attributes! gallery_error_new_preview = Error while creating thumbnail directory. Check the file attributes! gallery_error_exists = A gallery with this name already exists. gallery_error_name = The file name contains forbidden characters. gallery_error_datei_conf = Error while creating configuration file. Check the file attributes! gallery_error_deleted_img = Error while deleting image. Check the file attributes! gallery_error_deleted = Error while deleting gallery. Check the file attributes! gallery_error_subtitel = Error while saving image descriptions. Check the file attributes! gallery_error_newname = Error while renaming gallery. Check the file attributes! gallery_error_setings = Error while saving configuration. Check the file attributes! gallery_error_no_scale_max = Error while scaling images: Invalid height/width values. gallery_error_ftp_rename_exist = This gallery looks like uploaded via FTP. Renaming it to the correct special character encoding failed, since a gallery with this name already exists. gallery_error_ftp_rename = This gallery looks like uploaded via FTP. Renaming it to the correct special character encoding failed. Check the file attributes! gallery_error_ftp_rename_pic_exist = This gallery image looks like uploaded via FTP. Renaming it to the correct special character encoding failed, since a gallery image with this name already exists. gallery_error_ftp_rename_pic = This gallery image looks like uploaded via FTP. Renaming it to the correct special character encoding failed. Check the file attributes! gallery_error_ftp_preview_pic = There is not a thumbnail for every image in this gallery. Re-create the thumbnails by using the option "Re-create all thumbnails of this gallery". gallery_error_thumbs_no_digit = You must enter at least one value for the option "Create thumbnails with this size". gallery_message_new = Gallery was created successfully. gallery_message_deleted_img = Image was deleted. gallery_message_deleted = Gallery was deleted. gallery_message_new_img = Images files uploaded successfully. gallery_messages_subtitel = Descriptions were saved. gallery_messages_newname = Gallery was renamed successfully. gallery_messages_setings = The changes were applied. Please check for possible error messages. gallery_messages_scale_max = Gallery images were scaled successfully. gallery_messages_make_thumbs = Thumbnails were created successfully. gallery_message_ftp_rename = This gallery looks like uploaded via FTP. It was renamed to the correct special character encoding successfully. gallery_message_ftp_rename_pic = This gallery image looks like uploaded via FTP. It was renamed to the correct special character encoding successfully. gallery_message_ftp_preview = This gallery looks like uploaded via FTP. The thumbnail directory was created successfully. gallery_message_ftp_make_thumb = This gallery image looks like uploaded via FTP. It's thumbnail was created successfully. gallery_ask_delete_img = Really delete this gallery image? gallery_ask_delete = Really delete gallery with all its images? ######################################################## # CMS settings ######################################################## config_button = Settings config_text = Here, you can change the settings effecting moziloCMS' behaviour. config_help = With these options you can change your website's surface and behaviour to your wishes.

For some more detailed options, you must enable "Show advanced options" in the admin settings. config_messages_changes = The changes were applied. Please check for possible error messages. config_error_language_empty = Language files could not be loaded. config_error_languagefile_error = This language file doesn't exist. config_error_defaultcat_emty = Currently, there are no categories available. config_error_defaultcat_existed = This category doesn't exist. config_error_layouts_emty = Currently, there are no layouts available. config_error_layouts_existed = This layout doesn't exist. config_error_usersyntax_write = Error while saving user-defined syntax elements. Check the file attributes! config_error_usersyntax = There are errors in the user-defined syntax elements. config_error_usersyntax_doubles = Redundant user-defined syntax element: config_error_nodigit_tolong = Geben Sie eine Zahl zwischen 0 und 9999 an. config_error_modrewrite = mod_rewrite is not available. config_titel_cmsglobal = General settings config_text_websitetitle = What should be the title of your entire website? config_input_websitetitle = Website title config_text_websitetitlebar = Select the browser title bar's format from the given ones. config_text_websitetitleseparator = What should be the the separator between the title bar's elements? config_text_websitedescription = Describe your website in a few words. These will be shown as additional info in search engines. config_text_websitekeywords = Set keywords matching to your website. They will be evaluated by search engines - but notice that many search engines punish keyword spam with downrating or even deleting from index. config_text_cmslanguage = Choose the language standard texts (e.g. tool tips) on your website should be displayed in. config_input_translator = Translator: config_text_cmslayout = Select the layout for your moziloCMS. You can get more layouts from the mozilo layout archive. config_text_defaultcat = Select the default start category of your website here. config_text_usesubmenu = Choose the way the detail menu should be displayed. config_input_usesubmenu_1 = Normal detail menu config_input_usesubmenu_2 = Sub-menu (current category) config_input_usesubmenu_3 = Sub-menu (all categories) config_titel_cmssyntax = Syntax settings config_text_usesyntax = If you don't need the comfort of the CMS syntax and want to write your contents in HTML, uncheck this option. This option applies to all content pages. To work without the CMS syntax is recommended to users with advanced HTML skills only. config_input_usesyntax = Use CMS syntax config_text_editarea = toggle syntax highlight on/off config_text_syntaxshortenlinks = moziloCMS can shorten the display of links beginning with "http://". Choose how links should be shortened. Links not beginning with "http://" will always be displayed in full length. config_text_replaceemoticons = moziloCMS can replace emoticons in content pages (e.g. ":)" or ":P") by graphical smileys. Select this option, if you want to use these graphical smileys. config_text_usersyntax = You can add your own elements to moziloCMS' syntax.
For more details, see the documentation at mozilo.de. config_input_replaceemoticons = Replace emoticons config_titel_expert = Advanced Settings config_text_showhiddenpages = Normally, hidden content pages never show up on your website. Here, you may define exceptions: Where should invisible content pages show up? config_input_search = Within the search results config_input_sitemap = Within the site map config_input_pagesincmsvariables= Within the "next/previous page" variables config_input_pagesasdefaultpage = As default content page for categories, if it's the first content page config_text_target = Which links should open in a new browser window/tab (target="_blank")? config_input_download = File downloads config_input_link = External links config_text_catnamedpages = Should content pages be hidden from the detail/sub menu if they have the same name as their categories? config_input_catnamedpages = Hide config_text_modrewrite = Should mod_rewrite be used? config_input_modrewrite = Use mod_rewrite config_text_showsyntaxtooltips = Should your visitors see tool tips when hovering links? config_input_showsyntaxtooltips = Show tool tips on website config_submit = Save settings ######################################################## # moziloAdmin settings ######################################################## admin_button = moziloAdmin admin_text = Here, you can change the settings effecting moziloAdmin's behaviour. admin_help = With these options you can change moziloAdmin's behaviour to your wishes.

For some more detailed options, you must enable "Show advanced options". admin_submit = Save settings admin_messages_changes = The changes were applied. Please check for possible error messages. admin_error_textareaheight = The input height must at least be 50 pixels. admin_error_nodigit_tolong = The value must be a number with max. 4 digits. admin_error_maxnumberofuploadfiles = The value for the files to upload simultaneously must be a number between 1 and 9999. admin_error_adminmail = Please enter a valid e-mail adress. admin_error_chmodnewfilesatts = The file attributes must be composed of three digits between 0 and 7. admin_error_sendadminmail = No e-mail adress given. admin_error_noresizeimages = Please enter the maximum width or height. admin_error_color = This color shows all errors: admin_error_backupmsgintervall = The value must be a number with max. 4 digits. admin_error_initialsetup = Please change the login data or confirm that you will do that later. admin_text_tooltips = Tooltips are additional information for an object, shown at mouseover. Only advanced users may switch them off. admin_text_adminmail = This e-mail adress will be the recipient of messages sent from moziloAdmin.
It's not the target adress for the contact form messages - please specify this separatley at the "Kontakt-Formular" plugin.
On the moziloAdmin home page you may check if your server is able to send e-mails. admin_text_send_adminmail = Define if moziloAdmin should inform you via e-mail about important events. admin_text_textarea = The text area you edit content pages in may be too small or too large for your screen resolution. Enter your preferred height of the text area in pixels. admin_text_backup = Backup may be a insurance for your data. Thus, moziloAdmin reminds you of it - enter the number of days between the reminder messages. Entering 0 will switch off that function - but this is explicitly not recommended. admin_text_chmodnewfiles = The server running moziloCMS may give too low file attributes to uploaded and created files. moziloCMS can set own file attributes - enter them like "766" into the textfield. Or leave it empty if you don't need this function.
Activate the checkbox to re-assign the given file attributes to all files. admin_text_maxuploadfiles = Set the number of files that can be uploaded at once.
This feature requires JavaScript enabled. admin_text_uploadfilter = Add the extensions which files are not allowed to be uploaded with, separated by comma and without blanks. Since this is a security matter with php files, you shouldn't delete the default values. admin_text_defaultoverwrite = Decide if the checkbox "Overwrite" at the file upload function shall be activated by default. admin_input_tooltips = Show tool tips admin_input_translator = Translator: admin_input_language = Choose the language moziloAdmin is displayed in: admin_input_adminmail = Send admin e-mails to this adress: admin_input_chmodupdate = Set file attributes for alle files admin_input_defaultoverwrite = Activated by default admin_submit_default_pw = Change later (not recommended) admin_help_language = Additional language files can be added to the folder "admin/sprachen". Their file names have to be like language_[country code].conf admin_help_adminmail = The server must be able to send e-mails. Verify that by using the test button on the admin home page. admin_help_chmodnewfiles = This setting should only be used if uploaded files are not shown properly because of too low chmod attributes. Knowledge in UNIX file attributes (chmod) is recommended. admin_help_chmodupdate = Activate the checkbox to re-assign the given file attributes to all files. admin_messages_backup = Again, it's been a while - consider a backup of your data! admin_text_showexpert = Activate this option to see the advanced options in moziloAdmin. admin_input_showexpert = Show advanced options admin_text_imagesmax = moziloCMS may scale uploaded images (jpg, gif, png) to a specified size. For this function, enter the maximum width or height or both. adming_error_showexpert = Error! Advanced options have been re-activated. ######################################################## # Plugins ######################################################## plugins_button = Plugins plugins_text = Here, you see all installed moziloCMS plugins. For questions about contents and functions of plugins please contact their authors. plugins_titel = Plugins plugins_help = Plugins add functionality to moziloCMS. You can get more layouts from the mozilo plugin archive.

In order to install a plugin, just upload the plugin's directory to "plugins".
De-installing is easy, too: Just remove the plugin's directory from "plugins". plugins_error = Error within the plugin! Please contact the plugin's author: plugins_titel_version = Required moziloCMS version plugins_titel_description = Description plugins_titel_author = Author plugins_titel_web = Website plugins_help_edit = Here, you see plugin details and settings. plugins_error_input = Erroneous input. plugins_error_type_file = Input type "file" isn't allowed. plugins_submit = Save settings plugins_messages_input = The changes were applied. plugins_input_active = Activate ######################################################## # Login data ######################################################## pw_help = Hint: The user name has consist of at least five, the password at least six characters. Make sure the password contains numbers, small an capital letters. pw_text_login = Here, you can edit your moziloAdmin login data. Enter your current user name and password, then the new user name and password. Confirm the new password by entering it again.
Hint: The user name has consist of at least five, the password at least six characters. Make sure the password contains numbers, small an capital letters. pw_messages_changes = The login data was changed. pw_error_color = This color shows all errors: pw_error_missingvalues = Not all values were filled in. pw_error_newpwerror = The new password doesn't match the rules (at least six characters; small and capital letters; numbers). pw_error_newpwmismatch = The new password wasn't repeated correctly. pw_error_tooshortname = The user name has to consist of at least five characters. pw_error_wronglogindata = The current login data was filled in incorrectly. pw_titel_newname = New user name pw_titel_newpw = New password pw_titel_newpwrepeat = New password (confirmation) pw_titel_oldname = Current user name pw_titel_oldpw = Current password ######################################################## # Error messages from Properties.php ######################################################## properties = Error message from Properties.php: properties_noinput = No file given! properties_nofile = File doesn't exist: properties_readonly = Can open file read-only. Check the file attributes! properties_write = Can't open file writable. Check the file attributes! properties_lock_existed = Can't write file (lock file exists): properties_lock_touch = Can't create lock file. Check the file attributes! properties_lock_del = Can't delete lock file. Check the file attributes! properties_read = Can't open file. Check the file attributes! ######################################################## # Error messages from checkPostCatPageReturnVariable() ######################################################## check_name = The name contains forbidden characters. check_url = The link adress contains forbidden characters. check_digit = Only numeric values are allowed. check_new_position_empty = The new position mustn't be empty. check_is_file = This is no file, directory or link. check_name_too_long = The chosen name mustn't be longer than 64 characters. check_name_exist = The chosen name already exists. check_new_name_empty = The chosen name mustn't be empty. check_too_many_pages = Categories can't contain more than 100 content pages. check_too_many_categories = moziloCMS can't contain more than 100 categories. check_copy_same_cat = Can't copy into the same category. check_doubles_digit_copy_move = You can't use the same position several times. check_doubles_digit_same_cat = You can't use the same position several times. check_doubles_position_cat = You can't use the same position several times. check_doubles_position_page = You can't use the same position several times. check_doubles_name_cat = A category with this name already exists. check_doubles_name_page = A content page with this name already exists. check_del_dir = Error while deleting directory. Check the file attributes! check_del_file = Error while deleting file. Check the file attributes!